Sunday, July 10, 2022

Data Domain DD6400

Video: Data Domain DD6400 - Why? Architecture, Costs - Security and performance in backup / recovery

Data Domain is well know as unbeatable security / performance / easy of use.
Can new Data Model model - DD64400 - can add anything?
Why the values of Data Domain matters?
Have a look on short /detailed video!

Direct link to the video:

Detailed description of topics covered in the video: 
0:05 Customer story
- customer encrypted wants to protect for future using Data Domain
 - New DD6400 provides security, performance, scalability

1:02 Agenda

1:15 Backup software and backup media

1:25 - a lot of backup media - tape / disk. why to use Data Domain?

1:39 All Data Domain models

2:03 Performance
 - we write 1%
 - Data Domain does not write data to backup media during backup

2:53 - Performance numbers: 14TB/h for MSSQL environment

3:03 - Oracle speed 5TB/h
 - 1.5GB/s
 - limitation was production storage

3:40 Parallel backup of all items in production environment
 - Virtual machines / databases
 - 270 streams
 - comparison to concert and toilet
 - backup environment - one of the best to perform parallelly

4:37 Additional speed because of Storage Pools

5:58 Why additional speed for backup?
 - Data Domain does not write data during backup
 - We need the speed for recovery
 - There are other mechanisms as defragmentation

7:10 Data Domain speed from de-duplication
 - variable length de-duplication
 - example with 3 Virtual Machines built from 3 blocks - few space required
 - new yellow block and compression required
 - DD6300 - compression by main processor
 - DD6400 - compression card that performs the compression
 - processor is free for replication, cleaning, etc.
 - blocks are smaller - better compression
 - faster backup / restore but also the whole data domain is faster!
 - all new Data Domains: DD6400 / DD6900 / DD9400 / DD990 have the compression card

10:00 Starting backups directly from Data Domain!
 - Instant Access
 - We want to restore immediately Virtual Machine
 - We want Data Domain to be primary storage
 - Can we start Virtual Machine from tape? IT would be like asking kid to empty the trash
 - SSD disk speed

11:50 Revolution in backup
 - normally if something fails - we are offline until backup will restore data - long time
 - now if production fails, backup becomes the production
 - example with customer who was running 75 VMs directly from Data Domain - failure of firmware upgrade in disk array

12:30 Security
 - checking backups on the fly
 - whatever backup software we have - all data are red and checked if correct
 - guarantee of recovery correct data

 - Storage Pool keeps a lot of additional data 
 - this architecture allows to fail more disks than in RAID-6

15:15 Separated disks for Operating System and data
 - we can reinstall the Operating System and connect disks with backups

16:25 Logically separated Operating System and data - different file systems

16:48 Replication between Data Domains
 - whole site can be damaged
 - we transfer 1% of the data - we can restore 100% of data
 - case study - 29 locations replicated to central site
 - customer wants only Data Domain for Disaster Recovery base on the great experience
 - almost no transfer, no network usage, reliability

17:48 Hacker / ransomware protection
 - compliance - locking backups for any period
 - no one can destroy my backup

18:12 Demo of Data Domain compliance
 - we setup lock for 3 months
 - for whatever backup software we have secure backups against ransomware / hacker attack 

20:49 Cyber Bunker
 - Data Domain is base for Cyber Bunker - gold copy that neither hacker/ransomware can destroy

21:18 Boost - secure protocol
 - Boost protects us against ransomware
 - Boost is protected by login/password that ransomware does not know

21:40 Security architecture of DD6900 / DD9400 / DD9900
 - separated disks for Operating System / Data
 - separated logic

22:00 Retention Lock / Compliance with Veeam Backup Software
 - Veeam does not force automatically Compliance
 - Cyber Bunker is solution for Veeam
 - Lock is than based on Data Domain in Cyber Bunker
 - Possible to make lock on production - snapshot which is locked

23:17 Setup lock can be on destination Data Domain only

23:30 We can make incremental / Synthetic FULL backups with compliance mode

23:42 Number of Virtual Machines that we can start DD6400
 - 20 Virtual Machines can be started from DD6400
 - with more than performance will be smaller

24:05 If we replace disks with Operating system what about configuration?
 - data on Data Domain are self-described
 - we can install new Operating system and attach to Data Domain

24:52 NetWorker - how to setup retention lock on Data Domain set-up from NetWorker level
 - for any backup software we can setup retention lock using Cyber Bunker

26:00 Capacity / Scaling
 - DD6400 starts from 8TB net and scales up to 172TB
 - we can increase capacity in 4TB increments
 - other models starts from much bigger capacity apart from DD3300
 - DD6400 - we start from 8TB and we increase capacity with just entering license - 4TB increments
 - increase capacity with entering licensing is possible up to 32TB 
 - 40TB of net capacity requires adding hardware - new shelf
 - than we increase capacity again but adding just license
 - we can say DD6400 provides "capacity on demand"
 - ordering DD6400 we just provide net capacity with 4TB increments

29:05 Data Domain - best market de-duplication
 - small variable block with global de-duplication
 - it writes almost no data
 - if we backup guest level and image level the second backup writes almost no data -> global de-duplication
 - source de-duplication / Virtual Synthetic
 - 2-3 less space than any other competition because of global de-dup / variable & small block de-duplication

29:57 Customer story and Data Domain global de-duplication
 - 9TB VMware 
 - first backup occupied 0.6TB (600GB) - almost nothing
 - 1:15 de-dup with just 1st backup
 - many products have issue to overcome 1:8 de-duplication with over 30 days retention
 - here it was just after 1st backup
 - Data Domain has 1:100 to 1:300 de-duplication with 30 days retention
 - this makes Data Domain cheap!

30:52 Small customer - 300GB of SAP/Oracle
 - De-duplication after 4 backups was 1:15  - great one!

31:12 How much Data Domain do I need for my backups?
 - For 10TB / 30 days retention usually we need 8TB
 - rule of thumb
 - huge small amount

31:37 Tool for sizing Data Domain - Sizer

31:52 Compression card
 - we can even further decrease the cost!
 - example with VMs built from 3 blocks
 - if Data Domain sees a new block he must write to disk
 - Data Domain will compress new block further
 - DD6300 - lz algorithm for new blcosk - lz not very effective but very little impact on DD processor
 - DD6400 - compression of new blocks is made by compression card
 - much faster
 - better compression, much less space is required(gz or gzfast)

33:40 How less space DD6400 takes over DD6300?
 - Migrating from DD63300 100TB to DD6400 - DD6400 will require only 80TB space
 - reason -> lz compression of new blocks vs gz/gzfas on DD6400
 - these number are from worldwide statistics
 - detailed stats for files / databases
 - compression card is in DD6400 / DD6900 / DD9400 / DD9900

35:45 Customer example tat migrated from DD4200 (no compression card) to DD6900 (with compression card
 - Space dropped from 27TB (DD4200) to 20TB (DD6900)

36:05 Summery - DD6400 with the same net capacity is cheaper than DD6300
 - similar price
 - less storage required

36:42 - Parameters of DD6400
 - part of new models family - DD6900 / DD9400 / DD9900
 - DD6400 capacity from 8TB to 172TB net with increments of 4TB
 - capacity of other models
 - DD6400 uses 8TB drives
 - DD6400 has 270 simultaneous backups -> huge important
 - streams of other models
 - DD6400 is 2U / 3U shelf - max 2 shelves
 - DD6400 built in Ethernet card 10Gb -> SFP/BasetT to choose
 - DD6400 allows for 3 additional Ethernet cards - the same as above  or 25Gb
 - DD6400 allows for 1 additional FC card

39:35 Additional materials
Backup and Recovery - all materials:
BackupRecoveryGuy: Backup and Recovery materials
DD6400 video: 
DD6400 article: 
New generation of Data Domains DD6900 / DD9400 / DD9900
What is new in Data Domain 7.2?
Performance in backup:
Fast backup of files - video:
Fast backup of files - article and presentation:

40:00 Summary
 - please consider DD6400 -> speed, security,  flexibility, cost-effective, flexibility
 - the above give Data Domain 80% of market
 - please check!

Presentation from the event: 

Only successful restores!

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