Monday, September 6, 2021

Cyber bunker - architecture, network, recovery - remote discussion, 30 minutes, Friday, September 10, 12:00 Vienna time

Register for the discussion!

Cyber bunker provides recovery after hacker / ransomware attack, allows verification of production, is fully automated.
That is why it is gaining more and more popularity.

   * How does cyber bunker look like?
   * How is connected with the rest of the world?
   * What happens in the bunker when the attack starts?
And the most important: What is the cost?

Let me invite you for 30-minute journey into inside of the vault:
    Cyber bunker - architecture, network, recovery
    Friday, 10th of September, 12:00pm CEST (Vienna time) – 30 minutes
Internet invitation:

We will see cyber bunker construction, networking, TCO.
And ... we will simulate the attack!

Before our meeting have a look on video about Cyber Recovery:
And article:

Prepare coffee, questions and ...
See you in the bunker!
Daniel Olkowski